SC Practice, Procedure Amendment Ordinance challenged by PTI

3 min read

SC Practice, Procedure Amendment Ordinance challenged by PTI, As a result, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) on Thursday appealed to the Supreme Court, seeking a declaration that the amendment ordinance is “unconstitutional”.

According to Barrister Gohar Khan, Chairman of the PTI, all decisions made by the Practice and Procedure Committee since the ordinance’s approval are illegal and should be annulled by the Supreme Court.

According to the petition, the newly-formed Practice and Procedure Committee should be prohibited from working while the constitutional petition is pending, while the old committee should be permitted to continue to function.

An ordinance that was much debated was approved by the president and federal government a week ago.

A distribution of the ordinance was issued by the cabinet after it was sent by the Ministry of Law to the prime minister and cabinet on September 19.

As stipulated in the ordinance, the court bench will consider the cases based on the fundamental rights of the plaintiffs and the public interest.

Each case must be heard in turn as provided by the ordinance, otherwise a reason must be provided for its out-of-turn hearing.

There will be a transcript prepared for every case and appeal, which the public will be able to access.

“… pending the disposition of the titled Constitutional Petition, the operation of the Impugned Ordinance may kindly be suspended, as per Gohar’s petition,” it said.

Additionally, it is recommended that the purported committee reconstituted pursuant to the Impugned Ordinance refrain from establishing benches or setting any cases before it, and allow the lawfully constituted Committee, consisting of the Chief Justice and the next two senior most judges, to continue functioning.”

Timenews1 provided that news.

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