It is incorrect to say that fasting can kill you in Ramadan

3 min read

As part of the Ramadan diet, many people follow intermittent fasting, which means that instead of eliminating certain foods or reducing calorie intake during Ramadan, they restrict the times at which they eat.

There are a number of benefits associated with intermittent fasting as opposed to traditional dieting. There have been many studies that have examined the effects of intermittent fasting on animals rather than people. Consequently, research has yielded mixed results regarding the effectiveness of intermittent fasting as a result.

According to some studies, this approach is as effective or even more effective than calorie restriction for weight loss, if not better.

As well as being linked to things such as a longer life span, intermittent fasting has also been linked to a clearer mind. As per some findings, it has also been shown to improve insulin resistance, which in turn could assist in preventing or reversing diabetes.

Besides lowering blood pressure, it also improves triglyceride levels as well as cholesterol levels, which is good for the heart.

According to a press release from the Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, the study’s lead author Victor Wenze Zhong, who chairs the department of epidemiology and biostatistics at the university, it is important to point out that this does not mean intermittent fasting is the cause of death.

However, there are a number of health risks associated with this form of fasting, even though it is not deadly.

There is evidence that the short-term fasting process and keto diets can trigger the same fat-burning processes. However, long-term use of keto diets is associated with health risks. The University of Alabama Birmingham’s leading nutrition scientist, Courtney Peterson, said in an interview with Yahoo Life that some research indicates that 24-hour fasting may lead to muscle loss.

Timenews1 provided that news.

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