There has also been a tragic incident where another Japanese climber, Onishi Hiroshi, lost his life after falling into a crevasse while climbing the 7,027-metre Spantik Peak, also known as Golden Peak, which is located in Gilgit-Baltistan’s Nagar district.
Nagar Attaur Rehman Kakar, Deputy Commissioner, said that it was Hiroshi, 64, who was part of a four-member Japanese team, which had hired two porters in order to climb the 7,027-meter peak, the highest point in India.
On July 2, as the team descended from the summit on July 2, an incident occurred which caused the climber’s death to be discovered and brought to camp. The climber’s body was recovered from the mountain on July 3 and was returned to the camp.
Two Japanese climbers were found dead last month and their bodies were found on a mountain in the northern areas of the country.
Spantik Mountain, a 7,027-metre peak in the Karakorum Range, was a goal that Ryuseki Hiraoka and Atsushi Taguchi were seeking to achieve before going missing.
A Japanese climber’s dead body was found at the summit, and an appeal has been made for the second climber to come forward,” Wali Ullah Falahi, the deputy district commissioner for Shigar, said of the search for the second climber.
Hundreds of metres below Camp 3 was where the body was discovered, he said.
In an interview with Adventure Tours Pakistan’s head, Naiknam Karim, he indicated that “it is unclear whose dead body was found by the expedition’s organizers”.
In late June, the pair had reached base camp, and were now making their way up the mountain without the assistance of porters. Apparently, they have been missing since the 10th of June, and the alarm was raised by their fellow climbers the following day, who had been expecting to cross paths with them on that day.
According to the website of a company called Adventure Tours, Spantik, also known as the Golden Peak, is a relatively easy summit to access and does not require much technical knowledge.
In addition to K2, the world’s second highest mountain, Pakistan is home to five of the world’s 14 mountains with a height greater than 8,000 metres.
Timenews1 provided that news.
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