The anime film Mobile Suit Gundam Seed FREEDOM, was the most successful animated film at the Japanese Box Office for eleven weeks running. During the release of the film, the franchise revealed that approximately 1.63 million tickets were sold for around 2.68 billion yen, which translates into 17.94 million US dollars.
There was a good response from the public on the 18th day of the film’s release at the box office. The movie became the highest-earning Gundam film of all time, surpassing the 2.3 billion yen (US$15.5 million) earned by the original anime film Mobile Suit Gundam III: Encounters in Space from 1982, which was the previous highest-earning film in the franchise.
As a result of the film’s success in its first three days, about 634,182 tickets were sold for a total of 1,065,983 yen (US$ 7.20 million) which was an extraordinary amount for a Japanese film.
It was the largest opening weekend for a film in the same year, both in terms of box office earnings and the highest opening weekend in the history of the Gundam franchise.
As of January 26, the film was scheduled to begin screenings in a variety of countries around the world. An anime film named Freedom was soundtracked by the voice of Takanori Nishikawa, who sang the film’s theme song.
This game is the continuation of Mitsuo Fakuda’s Mobile Suit Gundam Seed and Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny, and documents events that take place a year after the events of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny, a series of games that have always captivated audiences.
From Timenews, that news is provided.
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