Depression, anxiety treated without medication by scientists

4 min read

Depression, anxiety treated without medication by scientists. In a recent study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers showed that running is as effective as taking drugs in treating depression, and the study also showed that physical activity has more benefits for treating depression than antidepressants do.

Moreover, it has been found that people do not generally go for running, but prefer to take medication instead.

As a result of analysing data from 140 patients, the researchers discovered that, while running and antidepressants offer equal benefits, running improves health while antidepressants adversely impact the human body over time.

The researchers found that the members of the group who chose to take antidepressants were slightly more depressed than the members of the group who chose to take running.

It has been reported by Dr Penninx that the study provided anxious and depressed individuals with a real-life choice between medication and exercise. As a result, the majority of the participants in the running group were larger than those in the medication group, which was a very interesting finding.

Those who are on medications are advised by healthcare professionals to take their medications in a timely manner, which does not affect their daily activities.

Despite this, it has been found that running or exercise is a great way to break the routine of sedentary living that is often observed in depressed patients who are generally encouraged to get out of the house, set personal goals, improve their fitness, and engage in group activities or groups.

It was also noted that, despite initially choosing running over antidepressants, fewer people in the antidepressant group adhered to physical activity than they did in the antidepressant group.

It was found that half of the participants in both groups showed improvement in depression and anxiety, and that the running group also reported improvements in their physical health.

The study found that the medication group showed slight adverse metabolic markers, but not as severe as the control group.

Dr Penninx said that the effects of antidepressants had a worse impact on body weight, heart rate variability, and blood pressure, while running therapy was found to have a better impact on general fitness and heart rate, for instance.

It is not enough to tell patients to go for a run. There will be a need for adequate supervision and encouragement if physical activity behaviour is going to be changed, just as we found when we implemented exercise therapy in a mental health care institution,” Dr Pennix said.

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